Friday, July 15, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 2: Wedding Day Dublin Mon 11 July 2011

I woke up fairly early due to my jet lag. I took a shower and sorted out my stuffs. It was then I finally realize that I dropped my wallet. So I walked along the way where I walked in from the gate but didn't see anything. I called to the taxi station and the driver. Thankfully, I got the driver's personal number and called him as well. He was still in bed apparently before 9pm, but I got his call within 30 minutes, and he said he found my wallet on the floor in his taxi. He could send it back to me. It was a huge relief.

I was ready before 1pm. All groomed and suited up. Because I was running around to pass messages, I felt the need to get a drink. I got myself and Showzi a glass of white wine. I realized soon after Paul arrived that I would have to read a speech on behalf of the bride's side. That was a very interesting and the one and only experience for me.

The ceremony went very well. We started to have champagnes afterward. I think I must had 4 or 5 glasses within an hour. Then I got a pint of Guinness. The banquet started at 6pm. I switched to white wine again after Guinness. By the time I finished my main course, I felt quite sick and the urge to 'sort it out.' So I went to the bathrooms for a few times then I kept on drinking water. I stuck with water for the rest of the evening.

I made friends with Paul's old school mates who I sat with at the same table. I t was really nice to make new friends. When it comes to the time to dance. I stared to move around and tried to shake the sickness away. I danced like crazy with Showzi and also with Paul's mom, Mary. It was purely fun.

The last bunch of people left round midnight, and we started the next round ourselves. I got two more pints of Guinness, and we were chatting in the suite. Janet, Nick and I were playing cards until 3.30am that we all felt pretty tired and went to sleep.


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