Friday, July 15, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 3 Dublin Tue 12 July 2011

After breakfast, we started to get ready to leave the hotel and go the Paul's parents'. We got there around 1pm. After a stroll in the neighborhood and rest, we set off for the tour in the afternoon. Paul's parents showed us the seaside which was lovely especially under the beautiful sunny weather. Then we were treated at a very good restaurant in a town called 'Malahide.' The meal was really good.

I wouldn't dare to break the arrangement to meet up with Ciara, one of Paul's old mates, but no one else wanted to join us. So I felt that I still had to show up briefly. But Ciara actually already felt tired at the time I was available. Frankly, I felt pretty tired myself as well. So it was kind of a relief that I could just stay in for the rest of the evening.

Because Showzi wanted some night snacks, we went to the Chinese takeaway behind Paul's parents'. I got Singapore Chowmein which was pretty good, and Showzi got Prawn with garlic and pepper which was also nice. I again passed out soon after getting in bed.

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