Thursday, July 28, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 17 Paris: Quartre Latin, Saint-Michel and Paris Beach Tue 26 July 2011

The plan was to go to Versailles today, but because the weather was cloudy and I also got up a bit late, so Versailles would have to wait until the next time. But that actually allowed me to see more films I want to see.

I went back Quartre Latin to Nouvel Odeon to see "Pina" in 3D. Though I couldn't help dozing off constantly, but I still found it very beautiful. Need to watch it again for sure. Then I walked to Saint-Michel to try to get something to eat, and thought I might as well catch another film. So I went to see "Midnight in Paris." It feels even more magical to walked directly into the set after the film.

After getting back to Caro's, we took our time prepareing to the gathering with her friends in the evening. We had a picnic and relaxing time at Paris Beach. We had a great time even though the weather wasn't as good as the day before.

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