Monday, July 25, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 14 Paris: Le Marais, Beaubourg, back to Le Marais and Saint Paul Sat 23 July 2011

Since we partied until early hours in the morning, I woke up at 13.30 and felt guilty about wasting the morning. I tried to make it up but just stayed in to type the delayed journal actually. Caro and her friends stayed over at her grandma's, so I got the flat all to myself.

Caro texted me and suggested to meet at Le Pain Quotidien to have brunch again. Caro was really suffering from the hardcore drinking from the previous night. I went to see Clint Eastwood's "Bird" as planned right after the late brunch or early dinner to be more precise.

After the film, Caro told me that she booked the seats for the Spanish restaurant at 22.15. Because there was still a while left and it was cold outside, I walked as fast as possible to the bar called 'Cox' which was already pretty crowded at the time. I had a pint and left for the late dinner.

The tapas and sangria were just as good as Caro said it would be. It was surely a nice dinner. After a short walk, we decided to go back since they are still recovering from the night before and the coldness of the night. Though I would very much like to explore more of the nightlife in Paris, I still went back since I want to see a movie in the morning the next day.

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