Friday, July 15, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 4 Dublin & Paris Wed 13 July 2011

I got up early before 7 for the breakfast Mary prepared for us. And also because that they were going to take the flight back to Netherlands at 11 something. We said goodbyes to Paul's family at 9.15. I set off to centre Dublin after seeing them off.

The first stop was Trinity College, it was a nice campus and a nice walk. Then I was trying to look for 'The Temple Bar,' the most famous bar in Dublin, but I found Irish Film Institute instead by accident. I wanted to see the films they were showing such as "A Separation" and "Film Socialite," but the times weren't right unfortunately. I only bought a DVD of "The General," an acclaimed Irish film which I've never seen in the store.

My lunch in Temple Bar was an onion crisps and cheese sandwich plus a pint of Guinness (yes, another one). Then I strolled to Grafton Street, where "Once" was filmed. It was a busy street with stores and street artists. I bough a copy of "Once" as a gift to Caro. It has an unique meaning to get it on that very street.

I went to O'Connell street to take the bus to the airport. I felt very lucky to get the time just right to get there without having a single clue. The flight departed on time. I arrived in Paris at around 9, and I got out of the border very fast, especially comparing to UK. Caro was there waiting right outside of the gate. So it all went very well. We got back to hers around 10.30. We had dinner and chatted. Then went to sleep right after 1am.

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