Friday, July 22, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 10 Paris: Musée du quay Branly and Eric's house Tue 19 July 2011

Caro decided to take me to go to this primitive museum in Paris which she likes very much called "Musée du quai Branly," and she got her friend Solene to join us. We got there at 2pm. It was rainy so there wasn't too many people, which was a good thing in a way. There was a special Maya expo going on, so we of course went to it right after we went in. It was pretty interesting. I also walked around in the museum to see the items from Oceania, Asia, Africa etc.

After a nice cafe and rest, we walked to Champs-Élysées to get the famous Macaroon from Ladupee. They were really nice. Then we were on our way to Eric's house in the suburb to have dinner with Caro's dad and all. It was a great dinner and chat.

After the dinner, Caro showed me the movie that she insisted that I must watch called "A Cité de la Peur (Fear City)," a parody of Cannes Film Festival and many commercial movies at the time. We had a great laugh even though I was already pretty tired.

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