Thursday, July 28, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 18 Paris: Musée d'Orsay, Beaubourg + London Wed 27 July 2011

I got up early today, but it wasn't for any film but for Musee d'Orsay, my last stop in Paris this time. I got there around 10.30. The line wasn't nearly as long as the Sunday we were there. I saw paintings by Monet, Manet, Renoir, Cezane, Van Gogh etc. That was really a visual feast. Great stuffs.

After Orsay, I decided to keep walking toward Beaubourg, where I would meet up with Caro for lunch. But I took it too far and I got to find Forum des Image eventually, but that was already the time I should had met up with Caro. So I ran into the metro and try to get there asap. I even fell on the escalator and got cut. It's the best souvenir actually: a wound from Paris.

I finally got to Beaubourg and realized I was very close and could've walked there. But it was okay since I believe I might get lost as well. We had a great crepe lunch beside the Pompidou Centre. And then we went back to Caro's to prepare to go to CDG.

We got to the airport around 16.00. Caro was a bit worried that she might be late for picking up her cousin, but it was perfect timing that we got there and her cousin just came out of the arrival gate. After saying goodbye to them, I went inside the departure gate and took my time shopping the gifts in the duty free shops. But it actually took much longer than I thought. By the time I finished buying the last items, I just realized it already passed the closing time of the gate on the boarding pass. So I ran to the gate and thankfully people are still boarding.

After the short flight to Luton Airport, I once again waited in a long queue to get through the border. I thought it would be easier since it's not as big as Heathrow, but I was just unlucky enough to get the officer who's demonstrating the question procedure to a new staff. I was asked every possible question. Thankfully I got to make it to the bus just in time after the interrogation. I got to Derek and Linda's just before 22.00 as scheduled.

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