Friday, July 22, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 12 Paris: Montparnasse, Le Marais, Bercy and Belleville Thu 21 July 2011

Because I didn't have a good night sleep due to the sickness, I felt pretty tired the next day. Even though, I still woke up at 10ish which I don't know how I did it. Caro sent me a message on Facebook saying that she's coming back for lunch.

So I took my time doing things and waited for her. After lunch, she needed to set up her grandma's place for her friends who're coming to visit over the weekend, and I decided to catch another movie. I checked the time and place of "Pina" but only getting there and finding out that it was not in 3D. Thankfully I could get the refund.

I walked around Montparnasse instead and found there wasn't really much to see, so I went to Le Marais again to try to find a nice bar to stay in. But after a long walk circling the area, I couldn't find any bar that interested me, and the time was almost up for meeting up with Caro and her good friend, Eric Rohmer's editor, Ms. Mary Stephen.

She was busy editing a new documentary but still willing to take time to have a cafe and chat with us. She was really lovely and easygoing. Especially that I admire her works very much. After the quick chat, we took the sky trail to go through Bastille to Belleville. I soon found out it was where one scene in "Before Sunset" was shot.

We finally got to Belleville around 21.20 and met up with Caro's friend from Lyon, Christophe. We went to the European fast-food chain store 'Quick' which Caro insisted that I must try. It was OK but I don't think the price was that friendly. I agree with Christophe that Burger King which they don't have in France is so much better.

After a couple of drinks in two cool bars, we caught the last metro and went back for the film to go to the next day.

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