Friday, July 22, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 11 Paris: La Cinémathèque Française and Jules's flat Wed 20 July 2011

We stayed over at Eric's and slept until 10ish. After breakfast (or brunch), we said goodbye to them and went back. Caro had to do more stuffs for her salary, so she went out again after a quick shower. We arranged to meet up at La Cinémathèque Française for the Stanley Kubrick expo there.

I got there late at 4.30pm. Caro hadn't arrived yet. I started my tour first. It was a real exciting expo for me as I am a huge movie buff and of Kubrick's. The informations and the original settings and costumes were all very cool. It is surely one complete collection.

I met up with Caro and her friend Sophia after they arrived. I finished the tour even after they did. We set our way to Jules's place around 7. The gathering was very cozy and nice. Jules's sister, Julie, baked fabulous pies. It was especially good for me since I skipped lunch. We also had champagnes that were brought by Olivier because he got a promotion on that day. Also to be celebrated was that Jo, Jules's brother, got a nicely offered internship. So it was an evening of celebration.

Because I got a bit sick from the champagne as always, I left to take the last metro to go back when Caro still stayed there.

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