Monday, July 18, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 7 Paris: Jardin des Plantes, Quartier Latin, Saint-Michel & Odéon Sat 16 July 2011

We had an arrangement to have lunch with Caro's father and little brother. We were suppose to be there at 12.30pm, but we were fashionably late to get there almost an hour later. We met at a restaurant beside Galerie de l'Evolution. There were Caro's father Paul, her little brother Paul-Emile, her father's good friend Eric and his daughter Maylis and Manu.

After the great lunch, we took a look inside the botanical garden there. It was really nice. Then we decided to go to the zoo. It was a rare experience for me to see the different kinds of reptiles and other animals all at once. But the truth is that I haven't been to the Taipei zoo for ever.

The long walk made us crave the mint tea in the musk house even more. Besides the tea, we also go some nice arabic desserts. It started to rain by the time we got out of the musk. After saying au revoir to the bunch, Caro took me to the area full of old movie theatres called 'Quartier Latin,' it was really a treat to me. After wondering which film to see, I decided for us that we shall see "Meek's Cutoff," an American western film which got great reviews from the critics, at MK2 Hautefeuille. And it was also a great way to hide away from the heavy rain for a short while.

It was still raining by the time we got out of the theatre unfortunately. We went to a pizza place we passed by earlier and got pretty good pizzas for dinner. Since it's still raining constantly, we had to call it the night.

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