Saturday, July 30, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 20 London (Hornchurch and Romford, Essex) Fri 29 July 2011

As yesterday, I stayed in most of the day. Just went out to Romford Station to pick up the train tickets that we booked for the Brighton trip. Derek got some seafood, oysters, prawns and clams. It was a fulfilled lunch.

Derek and Linda went for the celebration party for Linda's retirement in the evening. I stayed in, had dinner and watched "Ghost" on blu-ray. It was my first favorite film and now has become the first film I've ever watched on blu-ray. Great coincidence!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 19 London (Hornchurch, Essex) Thu 28 July 2011

After a good night sleep, I was happy to embrace the relaxing indoor life in London. Unlike last year's intense sightseeing schedule, I am taking it easy this time. Similar to what I did in Paris.

Derek and I went to Costco to get minced beef for the shepherd's pie for dinner. I also got some cherry cokes. I try to have them as much as I can since we don't get it in Taiwan. We also sorted out the bookings for Brighton during Skyping with Steve. That went well enough I think.

We had a great dinner with some red wine, including the Beaujolais I got for Derek at CDG. It was pretty good. But I soon fell asleep since I drank too fast. Woke up after about 30min later to continue watching a weird show called "Tourchwood." Bill Pullman really got old.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 18 Paris: Musée d'Orsay, Beaubourg + London Wed 27 July 2011

I got up early today, but it wasn't for any film but for Musee d'Orsay, my last stop in Paris this time. I got there around 10.30. The line wasn't nearly as long as the Sunday we were there. I saw paintings by Monet, Manet, Renoir, Cezane, Van Gogh etc. That was really a visual feast. Great stuffs.

After Orsay, I decided to keep walking toward Beaubourg, where I would meet up with Caro for lunch. But I took it too far and I got to find Forum des Image eventually, but that was already the time I should had met up with Caro. So I ran into the metro and try to get there asap. I even fell on the escalator and got cut. It's the best souvenir actually: a wound from Paris.

I finally got to Beaubourg and realized I was very close and could've walked there. But it was okay since I believe I might get lost as well. We had a great crepe lunch beside the Pompidou Centre. And then we went back to Caro's to prepare to go to CDG.

We got to the airport around 16.00. Caro was a bit worried that she might be late for picking up her cousin, but it was perfect timing that we got there and her cousin just came out of the arrival gate. After saying goodbye to them, I went inside the departure gate and took my time shopping the gifts in the duty free shops. But it actually took much longer than I thought. By the time I finished buying the last items, I just realized it already passed the closing time of the gate on the boarding pass. So I ran to the gate and thankfully people are still boarding.

After the short flight to Luton Airport, I once again waited in a long queue to get through the border. I thought it would be easier since it's not as big as Heathrow, but I was just unlucky enough to get the officer who's demonstrating the question procedure to a new staff. I was asked every possible question. Thankfully I got to make it to the bus just in time after the interrogation. I got to Derek and Linda's just before 22.00 as scheduled.

Euro Journal: Day 17 Paris: Quartre Latin, Saint-Michel and Paris Beach Tue 26 July 2011

The plan was to go to Versailles today, but because the weather was cloudy and I also got up a bit late, so Versailles would have to wait until the next time. But that actually allowed me to see more films I want to see.

I went back Quartre Latin to Nouvel Odeon to see "Pina" in 3D. Though I couldn't help dozing off constantly, but I still found it very beautiful. Need to watch it again for sure. Then I walked to Saint-Michel to try to get something to eat, and thought I might as well catch another film. So I went to see "Midnight in Paris." It feels even more magical to walked directly into the set after the film.

After getting back to Caro's, we took our time prepareing to the gathering with her friends in the evening. We had a picnic and relaxing time at Paris Beach. We had a great time even though the weather wasn't as good as the day before.

Euro Journal: Day 16 Paris: Beaubourg, Le Marais, Quartre Latin and Seine Mon 25 July 2011

Another day for films. I went to see Jerzy Skolimwski's "Essential Killing" in the morning at MK2 Beaubourg. It was a hard film to see but still good. It was also the completion of my 'Skolimowki' trilogy in Paris.

After the film, I went to meet up with Professor Dilley and her husband Larry for lunch at 'L'as du Fallafel,' a famous Jewish local restaurant. We actually waited for 20min to get in, but the food was really good just as Caro recommended. After a stroll to Saint-Michel, I said goodbye to Professor Dilley and Larry. It was also where I was gonna see "Full Metal Jacket" at Filmotheque in Quartre Latin.

After the second film, I walked to Notre Dame and kept going on a stroll to Seine, walking along the left bank where there's Paris Beach going on. It looked even more beautiful under the sunny weather.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 15 Paris: Notre Dame Cathedral, Saint-Michel and Montmartre Sun 24 July 2011

I got up at 9.30 to prepare to go to the film "Pina." After a quick chat with Steve on Skype, I left a bit behind schedule and got there a moderately late. But I was a bit worried by the fact that I found on the weekly showtime guide manuel that it might not be showing on Sunday, and it turned out to be true. Yet another bummer!

As I was looking for some other film to see, I suddenly thought that I might as well go straight to Notre Dame since Professor Dilley and I had agreed to meet up there. Inside the cathedral was beautiful as expected, then after a quick stroll in the garden, I got in the line to go up to the observation deck. And it took me nearly 2 hours to finally get up!

The view was really nice, but I couldn't stay longer because I didn't want to keep the professor waiting for too long. I came down around ten to 3, but we all didn't realize that the bridge was closed due to Tour de France. She couldn't get to this side of the bank and neither could I. After they did all they could but still couldn't make it, we decided to give it a wait.

I went for something to eat since I hadn't eaten anything yet the whole day, then I sat down at a cafe near Notre Dame. Finally, I got to meet up with Professor Dilley and her husband, Larry. They were just so nice that they showed me the historically famous book store 'Shakespeare and Company' where we met up at eventually. It was also where the beginning of "Before Sunset" was shot, so I was totally thrilled to see it of course.

After a quick chat back at Professor's flat, we set off to meet Professor's parents who happened to be in town at the same time. They were really nice and we had a good chat, wine and cheese. Too bad that I couldn't stay with them for dinner since I had agreed to meet up with Caro, Khanh and Pierre at couscous restaurant not far from Caro's place.

It was called 'Le Petit Bleu,' and the food, once again, was just like what Caro had guaranteed. I wish I could finish the plate, but the amount was simply too big. It was another lovely reunion and dinner.

Euro Journal: Day 14 Paris: Le Marais, Beaubourg, back to Le Marais and Saint Paul Sat 23 July 2011

Since we partied until early hours in the morning, I woke up at 13.30 and felt guilty about wasting the morning. I tried to make it up but just stayed in to type the delayed journal actually. Caro and her friends stayed over at her grandma's, so I got the flat all to myself.

Caro texted me and suggested to meet at Le Pain Quotidien to have brunch again. Caro was really suffering from the hardcore drinking from the previous night. I went to see Clint Eastwood's "Bird" as planned right after the late brunch or early dinner to be more precise.

After the film, Caro told me that she booked the seats for the Spanish restaurant at 22.15. Because there was still a while left and it was cold outside, I walked as fast as possible to the bar called 'Cox' which was already pretty crowded at the time. I had a pint and left for the late dinner.

The tapas and sangria were just as good as Caro said it would be. It was surely a nice dinner. After a short walk, we decided to go back since they are still recovering from the night before and the coldness of the night. Though I would very much like to explore more of the nightlife in Paris, I still went back since I want to see a movie in the morning the next day.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 13 Paris: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand, Saint-Michel, Festival Fnac Live, Le Marais and Cadet Fri 22 July 2011

It was a slow day again since it didn't start very well. We were gonna see "Full Metal Jacket" at MK2 Bibliothèque, the biggest one I've been to so far, but we didn't realize that it was an one day single screening on Thursday, and today was "Eyes Wide Shut." So we learned the lesson to confirm before going the next time.

After contemplating about what to do instead, Caro decided to go to Eric's house again to spend time with her dad and brother before they go. As for me, I went to Saint-Michel to have lunch at a kebab store and go to see Skolimowski's "Moonlighting."

Because it started to rain when I came out of the theatre and a few other reason's, I gave up to see "Nashville" right after the first film. I got on line to talk to Steve after I got back, and lazing around a little. Caro came back around 6pm. We had a simple dinner and then headed out to meet her friends from Brussels who came to visit as well.

Caro had to take them to her grandma's place where they will stay at to drop their bags, and I decided to go to the Festival Fnac Live at Hôtel de Ville. A band just about to play when I got there at 9.15. They are called 'Cascadeur,' a new French electronic band with the style similar to Daft Punk but no musicwise at all. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

When it reached 11, I kept on checking my mobile but still no messages from Caro, so I topped my sim card to get in touch with her. Turned out that they just arrived at a friend's flat for the house party. I decided to explore the area more, so I went to Le Marais once again and ended up in a seemingly popular bar called 'Raidd.' It was sort of packed, and the drinks were pretty expensive, but later on I realized that it was for the shows they put on.

Thankfully I only had 20 euros left on me, so I left there around 1.30 and went to catch the metro to Cadet, where the house party was. Everyone was having a good time when I got there. I started to drink and dance and try to blend in. It was a fun time nonetheless. We stayed until 5am for the metro to start running. Responsible Caro still had to take care of her friends, while Sophia and I went back after the afterparty breakfast. I had the very first Onion soup in France. Yum!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 12 Paris: Montparnasse, Le Marais, Bercy and Belleville Thu 21 July 2011

Because I didn't have a good night sleep due to the sickness, I felt pretty tired the next day. Even though, I still woke up at 10ish which I don't know how I did it. Caro sent me a message on Facebook saying that she's coming back for lunch.

So I took my time doing things and waited for her. After lunch, she needed to set up her grandma's place for her friends who're coming to visit over the weekend, and I decided to catch another movie. I checked the time and place of "Pina" but only getting there and finding out that it was not in 3D. Thankfully I could get the refund.

I walked around Montparnasse instead and found there wasn't really much to see, so I went to Le Marais again to try to find a nice bar to stay in. But after a long walk circling the area, I couldn't find any bar that interested me, and the time was almost up for meeting up with Caro and her good friend, Eric Rohmer's editor, Ms. Mary Stephen.

She was busy editing a new documentary but still willing to take time to have a cafe and chat with us. She was really lovely and easygoing. Especially that I admire her works very much. After the quick chat, we took the sky trail to go through Bastille to Belleville. I soon found out it was where one scene in "Before Sunset" was shot.

We finally got to Belleville around 21.20 and met up with Caro's friend from Lyon, Christophe. We went to the European fast-food chain store 'Quick' which Caro insisted that I must try. It was OK but I don't think the price was that friendly. I agree with Christophe that Burger King which they don't have in France is so much better.

After a couple of drinks in two cool bars, we caught the last metro and went back for the film to go to the next day.

Euro Journal: Day 11 Paris: La Cinémathèque Française and Jules's flat Wed 20 July 2011

We stayed over at Eric's and slept until 10ish. After breakfast (or brunch), we said goodbye to them and went back. Caro had to do more stuffs for her salary, so she went out again after a quick shower. We arranged to meet up at La Cinémathèque Française for the Stanley Kubrick expo there.

I got there late at 4.30pm. Caro hadn't arrived yet. I started my tour first. It was a real exciting expo for me as I am a huge movie buff and of Kubrick's. The informations and the original settings and costumes were all very cool. It is surely one complete collection.

I met up with Caro and her friend Sophia after they arrived. I finished the tour even after they did. We set our way to Jules's place around 7. The gathering was very cozy and nice. Jules's sister, Julie, baked fabulous pies. It was especially good for me since I skipped lunch. We also had champagnes that were brought by Olivier because he got a promotion on that day. Also to be celebrated was that Jo, Jules's brother, got a nicely offered internship. So it was an evening of celebration.

Because I got a bit sick from the champagne as always, I left to take the last metro to go back when Caro still stayed there.

Euro Journal: Day 10 Paris: Musée du quay Branly and Eric's house Tue 19 July 2011

Caro decided to take me to go to this primitive museum in Paris which she likes very much called "Musée du quai Branly," and she got her friend Solene to join us. We got there at 2pm. It was rainy so there wasn't too many people, which was a good thing in a way. There was a special Maya expo going on, so we of course went to it right after we went in. It was pretty interesting. I also walked around in the museum to see the items from Oceania, Asia, Africa etc.

After a nice cafe and rest, we walked to Champs-Élysées to get the famous Macaroon from Ladupee. They were really nice. Then we were on our way to Eric's house in the suburb to have dinner with Caro's dad and all. It was a great dinner and chat.

After the dinner, Caro showed me the movie that she insisted that I must watch called "A Cité de la Peur (Fear City)," a parody of Cannes Film Festival and many commercial movies at the time. We had a great laugh even though I was already pretty tired.

Euro Journal: Day 9 Paris: Lunch with Laurent and walking around randomly… by myself! Mon 18 July 2011

This is the day to reunite with the French producer, Mr. Laurent Lavolé. I got to his office on Rue Montmartre at 12.45 sharp as agreed. He took me to a nice cafe near by to have lunch. It was really nice to see him again though it was too short since he's got works to do. He suggested me to go see two famous venues in the area: Galeries Vivienne and Jardins du Palais Royal. They were both very nice.

I was gonna turn back to go to Forum des Images, but I thought since I've come this far, I might as well go straight down. So I walked straight ahead, passed by Louvre, Opera, Galeries Lafayette, and finally went up to Montmartre. After passing by Moulin Rouge, I found Café des 2 Moulins again just up in the street next to it, and it was opened this time. I had a quick coffee there since I was hurrying home to call Steve before midnight in Taiwan.

Unfortunately, I got a bit lost and was getting some groceries. I finally got back around 6.30. Soon after it, Caro, who went to Eric's house to hang out with her dad and little brother more, text me and suggested that we can go to a nice bar called 'Le Piano Vache' where there was a weekly gig on that evening with her friends, Olivier, Anton and Felix.

I went there all suited up since it was cold at night and I don't really get the chance to wear them. So I might as well take the chance. It was a lovely little bar, and the guitar performance was great. We left the bar around 11 and went back after I got a doche de leche crepe to eat as a late dinner.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 8 Paris: Musée du Louvre, boat ride, back to Saint-Michel & Odéon Sun 17 July 2011

Caro and I had another arrangement to meet up with her father and all. Though it was 3pm this time, we still couldn't help to be fashionably late again. The original goal was actually Musée d'Orsay, but the line was simply impossible. So they suggested to go to Musée du Louvre instead.

Talking about Louvre, 'La Jaconte' is of course the most popular attraction, but it was in fact less crowded than I imagined although there was still a great amount of people gathering in front of it and wait for 10 minutes to get to the very front just to take a picture of it. I mean, what is the point?

Since we didn't have enough time, I took a quick stroll on the first floor where the French, Italian and Spain paintings are placed. It was really something rather magnificent. I think I will have to go back to see more of it.

The sun finally came out around 6pm. It was a good call to go on a boat ride. We got on the boat at Pont-Neuf at 6.30. It took us to look around Paris, all the famous tourists' attractions. It was pretty nice besides a bit chilly when the sun moved behind us on the way back.

After dinner in a restaurant in Saint-Michel and saying goodbye to the gang, Caro and I decided to go see a film in Odéon. We still went for MK2 since they had the best choices. I went to see "Beginners," and she went to see "Un Amour de Jeunesse (Goodbye First Love)."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 7 Paris: Jardin des Plantes, Quartier Latin, Saint-Michel & Odéon Sat 16 July 2011

We had an arrangement to have lunch with Caro's father and little brother. We were suppose to be there at 12.30pm, but we were fashionably late to get there almost an hour later. We met at a restaurant beside Galerie de l'Evolution. There were Caro's father Paul, her little brother Paul-Emile, her father's good friend Eric and his daughter Maylis and Manu.

After the great lunch, we took a look inside the botanical garden there. It was really nice. Then we decided to go to the zoo. It was a rare experience for me to see the different kinds of reptiles and other animals all at once. But the truth is that I haven't been to the Taipei zoo for ever.

The long walk made us crave the mint tea in the musk house even more. Besides the tea, we also go some nice arabic desserts. It started to rain by the time we got out of the musk. After saying au revoir to the bunch, Caro took me to the area full of old movie theatres called 'Quartier Latin,' it was really a treat to me. After wondering which film to see, I decided for us that we shall see "Meek's Cutoff," an American western film which got great reviews from the critics, at MK2 Hautefeuille. And it was also a great way to hide away from the heavy rain for a short while.

It was still raining by the time we got out of the theatre unfortunately. We went to a pizza place we passed by earlier and got pretty good pizzas for dinner. Since it's still raining constantly, we had to call it the night.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 6 Paris: Le Marais, Bastille, Canal Saint-Martin Fri 15 July 2011

Caro and I slept until almost noon. We are gonna have lunch with her mom and brother, but it was postponed to dinner. We decided to catch a film before it. I mentioned that I saw a few interesting films that were showing in MK2 cinema. So we set our way to the theatre in Le Marais. Again, we couldn't find any bike in the neighborhood, so we had to take a bus. Luckily, the bus just arrived when we got to the stop close to Gare du Nord.

Before the film, Caro took me to the restaurant she adores a lot, Le Pain Quotidien, to have brunch. It was a really lovely and quite an amount of meal. Then she showed me around Le Marais. The weather was beautiful for the stroll. The MK2 cinema was right beside Centre Georges Pompidou, aka Beaubourg, so it was also convenient for me to take a look at the outside of it.

The film we saw was 'Deep End,' a film released in 1970 by the acclaimed Polish director Jerzy Skolimowski. If it wasn't for Marek, the director I just met in Taipei, I wouldn't have been so interested in it. And the result showed that he made a great recommendation, it was a powerful film. I will write about it as soon as possible.

We walked to Bastille where we will have dinner and passed by a cool lane full of exotic bars, mostly Spanish and Latino. I am already thinking about going back to have a drinking night there. We got to the restaurant, La Table d'Aligre, at 8.30pm and were the first to arrive. Caro's mom and her friend, Sylvie and Anne arrived shortly after us, and Caro's brother Manu showed up immediately as well. The food and drink in the restaurant was fantastic. It's my kind of an ideal Parisian restaurant.

After the dinner, we got back on the bikes to go to a place by Canal Saint-Martin to meet Caro's dear friends, Jules, Olivier, Anton, Felix etc. We planned to stay at a really cool bar there, but they just stopped serving drinks since it's shortly before their closing time when we got there. So we had to grab drinks and drink by the canal. It was a great time getting drunk and chatting there at night.

Euro Journal: Day 5 Paris Quatorze Juillet: Montmartre, Tour Eiffle, Champs-Élysées, Louvre Thu 14 July 2011

Caro and I got up around noon since we both don't have to work apparently. After having breakfast, she showed me the famous Parisian district of Montmartre: where "Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain" took place. We walked all the way up the the church called 'Sacré-Cœur.' It was magnificent, and the view was absolutely fantastic.

We walked back down slowly afterwards, but since it's Bastille Day, the National Day of France, most of the stores were closed, including the café in 'Amélie,' Café des 2 Moulins.

After having coffees at a café near Caro's place, we went back to get ready to go the Eiffel Tower to meet up with Caro's friends for the fireworks. We were trying to get the city bikes, but the ones near by were all taken. After walking pass three stations, we decided to give it up and take the metro instead.

The crowd was huge as expected. We could only find a place at the Fine Art Museum which was not so crowded yet around 8pm, the time which we arrived at. Caro's friend was also late, so we started our picnic first. The Fireworks started shortly after 11. It lasted 30 minutes and was unquestionably gorgeous. Even our view were partially blocked by the giant trees in front of us.

We then strolled to Champs-Élysées and Louvre. It was a pleasant night and the atmosphere was enchanting. After strolling for an hour or so, we finally got the bikes to ride home. It was a bit tough since the way back was mostly uphills, but it was a good exercise for me.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 4 Dublin & Paris Wed 13 July 2011

I got up early before 7 for the breakfast Mary prepared for us. And also because that they were going to take the flight back to Netherlands at 11 something. We said goodbyes to Paul's family at 9.15. I set off to centre Dublin after seeing them off.

The first stop was Trinity College, it was a nice campus and a nice walk. Then I was trying to look for 'The Temple Bar,' the most famous bar in Dublin, but I found Irish Film Institute instead by accident. I wanted to see the films they were showing such as "A Separation" and "Film Socialite," but the times weren't right unfortunately. I only bought a DVD of "The General," an acclaimed Irish film which I've never seen in the store.

My lunch in Temple Bar was an onion crisps and cheese sandwich plus a pint of Guinness (yes, another one). Then I strolled to Grafton Street, where "Once" was filmed. It was a busy street with stores and street artists. I bough a copy of "Once" as a gift to Caro. It has an unique meaning to get it on that very street.

I went to O'Connell street to take the bus to the airport. I felt very lucky to get the time just right to get there without having a single clue. The flight departed on time. I arrived in Paris at around 9, and I got out of the border very fast, especially comparing to UK. Caro was there waiting right outside of the gate. So it all went very well. We got back to hers around 10.30. We had dinner and chatted. Then went to sleep right after 1am.

Euro Journal: Day 3 Dublin Tue 12 July 2011

After breakfast, we started to get ready to leave the hotel and go the Paul's parents'. We got there around 1pm. After a stroll in the neighborhood and rest, we set off for the tour in the afternoon. Paul's parents showed us the seaside which was lovely especially under the beautiful sunny weather. Then we were treated at a very good restaurant in a town called 'Malahide.' The meal was really good.

I wouldn't dare to break the arrangement to meet up with Ciara, one of Paul's old mates, but no one else wanted to join us. So I felt that I still had to show up briefly. But Ciara actually already felt tired at the time I was available. Frankly, I felt pretty tired myself as well. So it was kind of a relief that I could just stay in for the rest of the evening.

Because Showzi wanted some night snacks, we went to the Chinese takeaway behind Paul's parents'. I got Singapore Chowmein which was pretty good, and Showzi got Prawn with garlic and pepper which was also nice. I again passed out soon after getting in bed.

Euro Journal: Day 2: Wedding Day Dublin Mon 11 July 2011

I woke up fairly early due to my jet lag. I took a shower and sorted out my stuffs. It was then I finally realize that I dropped my wallet. So I walked along the way where I walked in from the gate but didn't see anything. I called to the taxi station and the driver. Thankfully, I got the driver's personal number and called him as well. He was still in bed apparently before 9pm, but I got his call within 30 minutes, and he said he found my wallet on the floor in his taxi. He could send it back to me. It was a huge relief.

I was ready before 1pm. All groomed and suited up. Because I was running around to pass messages, I felt the need to get a drink. I got myself and Showzi a glass of white wine. I realized soon after Paul arrived that I would have to read a speech on behalf of the bride's side. That was a very interesting and the one and only experience for me.

The ceremony went very well. We started to have champagnes afterward. I think I must had 4 or 5 glasses within an hour. Then I got a pint of Guinness. The banquet started at 6pm. I switched to white wine again after Guinness. By the time I finished my main course, I felt quite sick and the urge to 'sort it out.' So I went to the bathrooms for a few times then I kept on drinking water. I stuck with water for the rest of the evening.

I made friends with Paul's old school mates who I sat with at the same table. I t was really nice to make new friends. When it comes to the time to dance. I stared to move around and tried to shake the sickness away. I danced like crazy with Showzi and also with Paul's mom, Mary. It was purely fun.

The last bunch of people left round midnight, and we started the next round ourselves. I got two more pints of Guinness, and we were chatting in the suite. Janet, Nick and I were playing cards until 3.30am that we all felt pretty tired and went to sleep.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 1 Taipei - HK - Munich - London - Dublin Sat-Sun 09-10 July 2011

My flight from Taipei to HK departed at 8.30pm. I was actually in a rush when getting to the airport but made it eventually. I even had the time to have a quick chat with Vito.

After arriving in HK, I was shocked by the information of the flight board that I saw: my flight was delayed indefinitely. So I went to the counter of BA, the lady said she will transfer me to another flight. So I got on Lufthansa Airline to Munich instead. I met a Taiwanese girl, Shuang-Ang, who was gonna take the BA flight as well, but because she was still waiting for the result of the search for her luggage, I went on board first.

I arrived in Munich on 5am local time. Soon after I got through the border, I met Shuang-Ang again. She took the same flight. So we went to take the BA flight to London together. It was nice to have a travel company under that circumstance. We arrived in London at 8am. The line in front of the border was really long. We waited for more than an hour for our turns.

The officer was extremely unfriendly. He questioned that why I want to stay in UK for so long. I then mentioned that I've made plans to go to a few places in Europe and had the boarding passes printed out. He asked me to show them to him. Then he asked me what my purpose was to go to Ireland. I said I will attend my friends' wedding, and I showed him my invitation as well. He still looked at me with doubts but let me to go through. It was really disturbing.

Because I couldn't see Shang-Ang and the time was a bit late, I had to run to get to Stansted. I thought about taking the bus straight to there, but the 10.45 one was full, and the 11.45 one would be too late. So I had no choice but to take the train. I transferred twice and finally got to Stansted in time.

It was a relief that my cabin case passed the checking desk of Ryanair. I believe that means my case will be good for any other airline. I arrived in Dublin around 3. Soon after I got a local sim card, I called Showzi right away, and she gave me Paul's number which allowed me to realize that he and his sister, Hilary, were there to pick me up.

I went to the hotel where we stayed for the night and also where the wedding was at. It's called 'The Village at Lyons,' one of the best hotels in Ireland I believe and is located in a really remote place. Because I made an arrangement with Martin to meet up at 'The Long Hall,' a pub in Centre, taxi was the far-easier way to get there. But because I couldn't get through his number due to the errors in the emails and also that I was 45 minutes late. He was already gone when I got there.

I still decided to email him and wait. I had two pints of Guinness. By 10pm, I felt pretty tired and drunk. So I called the taxi and went back. I passed out soon after I got in my bed.