Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 7 07/Aug/10 Sat

Because we're going to Steve's best friend Claire's barbie party in the evening, we simply stayed in and get prepared. We called a taxi to take us to Romford where Claire's house is at.

As expected, we were the first to arrive since we were being very punctual. Claire dressed up as Batgirl, and her boyfriend Mike was a super hero. The weather wasn't friendly at first. But it got better as soon as everyone gradually arrived. It was obvious that it's a mixed party since I believe even Steve didn't know a few of the guests. We met Claire's little sister Becci, who was Lady Gaga, and her husband Ken. There was also Steve's other best friend Gemma and her boyfriend Steve(the other Steve). It actually was some sort of couples's party I admit.

The food was great. We had a lovely time. But I couldn't help feeling tired because of the drinks and the unadjusted jet lag. We said our farewells around midnight.

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