Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 15 15/Aug/10 Sun

It was a barbecue day for Steve's whole family to get together. Steve's middle brother, Richard, his other sister-in-law Lisa and their two girls Abigail and Madeline just got back from a three-weekend vacation in Florida.

Thankfully we got in early-ish in the morning, so Steve and I didn't suffer from the hangover to much. Once again, Mr Sloan made superb barbie, I was stuffed by the delicious steaks, lamb chops and many more that I couldn't have anymore even if I waited to very badly. The kids were busy with their plays with special guests chosen by Abigail, the oldest among all.

Lisa's parents Gloria and Ray were there as well. It was a very merry family gathering that I felt very grateful to be a part of. Besides, what's there to pick on when you get endless food and drinks.

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