Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 28 28/Aug/10 Sat

We maintained our routine laziness after a night out and relaxed inside during the daytime, and also because that it was the day Paul and Summer made a reservation at one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants which is in the north central called "The Warrington."

Thanks to Mr Sloan's research on the internet, we took the fastest route we could get to get there where was actually quite a long way away. We got there 30min before the schedule and got drinks at the bar while waiting for Paul and Summer.

Finally, it was the moment to find out how good that is. Summer and I ordered their special of the day, lamb with stir-fried spinach on the side. Paul and Steve ordered the house special sausage with mash. Mr Sloan got the roasted pork and Mrs Sloan got, if I remember correctly, the pan-fried trout. My dish was heaven, and I believe so were the others. It was a great choice and thanks to Paul and Summer who treated us for the meal.

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