Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 26 26/Aug/10 Thu

I'd actually planned the day to be a trip to Oxford, but we got up too late and it was too late. So we simply went to Romford again to do some shoppings, but I have to admit, it was because I had this obsession when I found out the DVDs I got weren't the best price comparing to those on the internet, so I was eagerly wanting them to be replaced. It actually made me had a hard time sleeping the previous night. I know it sounds very weird, but sometimes I can't help to feel so biased when it comes to things I want. Even I hate myself for being like that.

Anyway, we got it taken care of. Then we found some really cheap t-shirts in Primark to get for the friends in Taiwan, there was even one that cost only £1! Insane!

Besides, I could take some pictures and film it a little since I didn't have my camcorder with me the last time. Another significant discovery was the £8 DVD of "Lebanon," a great war movie I saw at the Taipei Film Festival this year, in Sainsbury's. That was a real bargain for a new release. It ended perfectly with the pictures taken of the one and only X-Factor booth.

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