Saturday, September 11, 2010

UK Journal: Day 35 04/Sep/10 Sat

CarO and I got up early so that we could get to the destination of the day, Portobello Market, as early as possible. We got on the bus to Romford Station around 10.30 and made it to Marble Arch, the end of Central line of the day. We had a nice walk passing by both Hyde Park and Kensington Garden and finally reached to Notting Hill.

Portobello Road was definitely a lot more fun on the weekends. The shops were all opened and the venders were one after another. We could get almost anything there I think, but the priority was of course the food. I got the paella, and CarO got the salty pie and roll. We had them in a lovely small garden, and the weather was lovely,too.

We walked all the way to the very end of it. I am glad we did cos I found some £2 secondhand DVDs and got "Away from Her" for CarO and the 2 disk edition of "Oldboy" for myself. Just we we almost walked back to the bus stop on the main street, I found another secondhand DVD shop and couldn't help to go in. But because of the limited time, I had to grab the letter box set of "Casino" and "Insomnia" I was very happy to find very quickly.

CarO was gonna meet up with her friend who lives in town, so we went separately at Marble Arch Station. I made it just in time to get to the restaurant where we're celebrating Kevin's birthday. It was Liberty Bell, where we went for dinner after our arrival on the first day, so it was like a circle to finish the whole trip at the same location.

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