Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 12 12/Aug/10 Thu

Because I wanted to see a movie from Peru which was recommended by Timeout called "Undertow" and found the price was best at the Odeon in Soho, so we went back again. The movie started at 3.30. But the theatre wasn't even opened yet when we got there at 1.30.

So we walked around and grabbed snack food a the local grocery shop. There was an interesting comic book store which has cool collections. The theatre was finally opened at 3. It was a gay-themed story with a twist of "Ghost." Very nicely done. Another impressive film from South America.

By the time we finished it, it was almost time to meet up with Steve's another best friend Adrian. We started out drinks at "The Yard," an nice open space pub with a good crowd. Then, we moved on the the one across the street called "Rupert Street," which is named directly after the street and also very nice.

After two rounds of beer, I needed something to knock me up, so when we got to the next one which I never find out the name but with a chandelier on the ceiling, so I got my usual Redbull vodka. While Adrian got this delicious cider that impressed both Steve and I.

The last stop of the evening was Barcode, one with not so much of a crowd. It was fun hanging out with a new friend. We surely met up again for a few more rounds.

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