Saturday, September 11, 2010

UK Journal: Day 34 03/Sep/10 Fri

The first stop of the day was Postman's Park, where Jude Law and Natalie Portman went to in the beginning of "Closer." Again, I didn't realize that it was very close to both St. Paul's and Barbican, but thankfully I made the stop eventually.

The follow-up was Tate Modern. There were definitely some impressive modern masterpieces in it such as Picasso, Pollack, Bacon and my personal favorite, Monet(even there was only one). The free galleries were not as big as the other ones which was good because we could get enough time to get the following destinations. Surprisingly, the gift shop was the first place I saw Christopher Nolan's first feature "Following" on the shelf. But I still didn't get it because I knew it would be cheaper on Amazon. But maybe I should've got it since Amazon charges delivery fee out side of UK. And it was only £2 less.

Anyway, we left and walked to Borough Market where only opens on Friday and Saturday. We couldn't wait to get there to get food since we were all very hungry. Steve got half of a pork pie, a sausage roll, a piece of brownie and a half pint of fresh cider. CarO got a veggie burger which she didn't enjoy as much as she thought she would. I got an order of fish n' chips from the seemingly only shop called "Fish!" It was good and I got really full. But the only pity was that I couldn't find the ginger ale that Paul got.

Steve soon left for home because he wanted to spend more time at home before leaving, so CarO and I carried on to the next stop, Swedenborg House, where there was a free screening of "Jacob's Ladder" which I'd never seen and booked two weeks beforehand because I saw the add on IMDb by chance. We took our time to get coffees before entering the hall. The format was DVD which was a bit disappointing even I'd thought it might be. The movie was not bad but not great either, but it's for sure worth watching.

I was trying to meet up with Simmon ever since I got in town, and it was finally the time we were available for each other. CarO and I walked to Soho since there was still quite some time before Simmon getting off work. Because I wouldn't dare to go in any bar or pub for the fear of the expensive prices, so I took CarO the area I was familiar with. We went in Duke of Wellington, where there was always crowded outside and cheap on drinks according to Steve.

We got our drinks and chatted while waiting for Simmon, but he still didn't how up after we finished our round for a while. Finally, we met him outside of G-A-Y bar, but because CarO wanted to go somewhere that not just full of guys, so we ended up in a traditional pub called "George Orwell." Then we were on our way back after merely another round because Simmon had to work the next day, and we had our plan for it as well.

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