Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 25 25/Aug/10 Wed

It was a cold, rainy Wednesday. Thankfully I had planned to go see Les Misérables on that day, and the price was finally lower again at TKTS. But we got there too late and couldn't get the matinee show, so we had to go for the evening one which was strangely cheaper actually.

But it actually gave me the time to see "Scott Pilgrim" on its first day of release in London. We had trouble finding the Cineworld at Shaftsbury Ave. at first, but we found it in time thankfully. It was another absolutely cool movie from Edgar Wright again, but the stereo was crap in the theatre. I couldn't believe they didn't feel guilty to offer that poor quality with the price. It still cost £6.80 each for the screenings before 5pm.

Anyway, after the dinner at the Burger King at Leicester Square, the main show was finally on. I've been dreaming of seeing the show for 15 years ever since I knew about it, and it was already off the theatre when I went to NYC 5 years ago. So it was like a dream come true to me. The show was absolutely amazing with the songs that recalled my memories of it. Despite of the chilly temperature outside, the heat went on and will still go on for another long time I believe.

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