Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 30 30/Aug/10 Mon

We went to the Notting Hill Carnival as planned despite of everyone was warning us that it might be dangerous in the huge crowd. Mr Sloan kindly gave us a lift to the closest station where the tube was still going. We got there eventually after being on the very crowded train. The amount of people were actually very scary. We only stopped at the first section of the carnival instead of going in further. We would've definitely had trouble getting out if we got in.

So we took a walk toward the Queen's Way Station and accidentally found the Whiteley's department store where a scene of "Closer" was shot at. I gotta check in the HMV in there as always and got "Dirty Dancing" which I'd never seen.

After saying goodbyes to Paul and Summer, who went back to the Netherlands that evening, we took a long walk in Kensington Garden, where I miss-judged as another small park when passing by. It was very lovely park, and the weather just couldn't be better for it. We found Albert Concert Hall at the north corner, went to Diana's memorial fountain by the pond and made the gorgeous Kensington Palace as our last stop of the day.

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