Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 24 24/Aug/10 Tue

So there came Paul to join us from the Dutchland as well. Summer went to pick him up at Liverpool St. Station, and we met up at Notting Hill, where the Coronet Theatre is at. I planned to see "Gainsbourg" which was showing there, and it's there special offer day every Tuesday with thickets for £3.50 only!(why oh why can't we get that kind of theatre here in Taipei)

After the movie, we went for a walk along the famous Portobello Rd., where the famous movie "Notting Hill" took place at. It was a cool area but very pricy according to the field study of Summer and Paul early on that same day.

Just as we almost finished the walk toward the end of the road, Paul said he saw Amy Winehouse just in front of the pub across the street from us. We of course immediately tried to take a good look to confirm, and it was confirmed, but not because we saw her face but because that there was a big black guy who came toward us to tell us not to take pictures as I was holding my camcorder aiming at her. So it was probably the most interesting coincidence in this whole trip.

Summer suggested to go on London Eye, so we went back to Waterloo Station again. Because Paul and Steve wasn't keen on taking it with the shocking price, there were only Summer and I who got on it. It was definitely another great way to see the city, especially during the evening when all the lights were on.

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