Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 14 14/Aug/10 Sat

We simply stayed relaxed for the parting out with Adrian again that evening. Mr and Mrs Sloan decided to do the shipping mall in the nearby town, and we went along with them. Turned out they only shopped for the friend's anniversary celebration cards, and Steve was the one who did a major shopping. He finally got the jeans and pants that fit him to keep him good in Taiwan for at least a longer period.

We made a brief stop at Costco to get food for the evening. We soon rushed out after getting back. The traffic was alright for us for the limited weekend routes. We were late inevitably, Adrian was already at The Yard. But his significant other half could't make it unfortunately.

Out route was almost the same as the one on Thursday, except that we went to a bar called "The Village" with pool dancing guys which charged us outrageously. We soon left for another more friendly bar for money wise. Soon enough, it was almost midnight and the time for clubbing.

The club is called "Heaven," but they have regular weekend parties for the closed "G-A-Y club." The saturday was featuring a girl group called "The Saturday," but we missed them apparently. The music could be very retro which was very good for us. We danced to the cheesy Madonna's, Whitney's and Kylie's etc from the 80's, but they hoped to be our kind of music.

The taxi driver called on time at nearly 3, and the two guys actually didn't feel as tired as they thought they might be, but it was still a better move to stop at there. It was absolutely a fun night out!

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