Thursday, September 09, 2010

UK Journal: Day 17 17/Aug/10 Tue

It was the day Mrs Sloan gets her day off again, so we joined them with Steve's nephews to Transport Museum at Covert Garden. According to them, it was Matthew's first time in London, so that made the day more significant.

The museum was mostly as what I expected, but I would've never known it was founded by Vivienne Westwood. I finally got a little tin box set with tea as the souvenir to the friend in Taiwan after over 2 weeks.

We then waled to Leicester Square to have a late lunch. After comparing the menus, we went in Yate's, the other pub restaurant with reasonable price according to Steve, but his parents apparently didn't feel the same way as he does about it.

After lingering at Trafalgar Square for a short while, the folks took the kids back, and we accompanied Summer to search for the London University of Art which is located at Holborn. It didn't really take us long to find it.

We walked back to Leicester Square as we planned to see "Greenberg" with only £1 tickets! Without a doubt, it was a sold-out, but the full theatre and the tiredness from the daytime actually made me doze off a bit in the beginning. But it was an overall interesting film even with some quirky moments which is Baumbach's trademark now.

After showing Summer around in the China Town, I suggested to have the Tuesday steak special offer at Moon in the River that we saw the last time. It wasn't nearly the best steak in town I could be very sure, but it was ok for it's price.

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