Saturday, September 11, 2010

UK Journal: Day 31 31/Aug/10 Tue

Mr and Mrs Sloan decided to take the kids to go on a boat to cruise Thames. We arrived at Westminster Pier around 12 at noon and barely caught the one left at 12.30. It was a perfect day for it. The weather was simply beautiful. The trip was just to Katherine's Pier(where Tower Bridge is at) and back.

We stopped there to have lunch at a pub called "The Dickens Inn." The meals are decent. When we were on our way back, there was a commentary on the boat which was quite nice. It soon reached to the time we had to set off to St. Pancras again to pick our third visitor, CarO from Paris.

Thankfully there wasn't a signal failure this time, and we arrived there before time. I was gonna check the flat where Zac, my Canadian friend, said he used to live in in King's Cross, but the Facebook happened to proceed the location checking at that exact time and prevent me from getting in on iPhone. So it also had to be next time.

CarO came out around 4.50pm and we started to head back. It was really nice to see her in Europe, even not in Paris. So there started another fun week and our last week in town.

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