Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 12

Day 12 10/Jul/10 Sat

Though I'd started to host Mr Daniel Chen and Mr Reuben Langdon, video game producers and a stunt actor most notably in "Avatar," for the 2-day 3D seminar on the 7th and 8th, but I barely had interactions with them, so I didn't consider those two days are able to be included in this journal. But I didn't expect to host Mr Langdon at the Award ceremony on Saturday, it was a pleasant surprise for me.

I put on the suit again which I wore for the Golden Horse award ceremony in 2008. Thankfully I did cos our seats are right in the middle of the theater, so I was easily to be seen on camera which my friend confirmed that I actually was. I translated the whole speeches fairly I think, but I simply skipped the embarrassingly bad jokes. But because of that Mr Langdon had worked in Asia before, so he could understand them from the gestures as well.

Finally after the 3-hour ceremony, we got to eat something at the after party, Thankfully, I led Mr Langdon to go upstairs quick enough so that we were the first few ones in line for the buffet. I cleaned my plate as fast as I could cos I wouldn't dare to let other guests to stand. The first white wine was good, but the second one was terribly sweet. Thanks to that, my face got all red as fast as it got.

Mr Langdon got to talk to Ms Silvia Chang, who he worked on a film with a long time ago, and also a few other guests. He was a genuinely nice guy. I wish I had more time chatting with him, and I sincerely hope to see the 3D film he's working on in the near future. After taking him back to the hotel and luckily got his boarding pass he finally found(which was a great news for Matilda), I went to the Red Pavilion Plaza to meet up with Steve and Kyle who came up for the weekend with Iven and Daisy. We drank beer and chatted until 3. A lovely ending of the day.

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