Tuesday, July 06, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 11

Day 11 4/Jul/10 Sun

Mr Paz(s) left early in the morning, I got to the hotel at 9.20am. I gave them two films by Nuri Bilge Ceylan which Mr Doron Paz told me he hasn't seen, but he has seen Ceylan's last film "Three Monkeys" and liked it very much. I just thought these would be perfect films for them. So my mission finished once again pleasantly. I do hope to see them soon and maybe to visit Tel-Aviv someday.

Then the perfect timing allowed me to finally get to see Ms Bergroth's film. It's totally a very delicate film about human emotions. It was also a big shame that it didn't win any award in the competition.

Then I took the chance of the break to see two more films, "Au Revior Taipei" and "Bus 174." The former is an okay genre light comedy, and the latter is a very subjective but powerful Brazilian documentary.

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