Tuesday, July 06, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 6

Day 6 29/Jun/10 Tue

It's always sad to say goodbye but it had to come anyhow. I prepared some movies which they haven't seen for the two ladies from what I knew from our conversations. Ms Kirwan left at 2pm, and Ms Bergroth decided to stay in the hotel to work after checking out until her time to set off to the airport at 6. I got her the most famous dumplings from Ding Tai Fong back to the hotel. It would be a shame if she never got the chance to try it. I was delighted to keep her company and even surprisingly discovered more things we like in common. I truly wish nothing but the best for her next film and hope to meet her soon in the near future.

After Ms Bergroth's departure, I stayed in the hotel to wait for my next guests, Mr Yoav and Doron Paz from Israel. Gretta was very kind to pick them up for me, it made me feel even more embarrassed and grateful that their flight was delayed. They finally arrived at the hotel before 8pm. We had a brief hello and arranged the time to meet up the next day. It was good for me cos I felt pretty tired and needed some rest for the following days.

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