Tuesday, July 06, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 8

Day 8 1/Jul/10 Thu

Though we called it the night late, we still had to get up for another routine event in the schedule which was the introduction of Director Tsai Ming-Liang's new decoration art film "It's a Dream" in Taipei Fine Art Museum. But it was, of course, another publicity for them guests and the film festival. Afterwards, we got on the subway heading to the east side. We ended up getting off at Taipei City Hall Station and take a walk around 101 area. It's also somewhere every tourist would go in town. But we actually took more time sitting down, having cold drinks and chatting in Vie Show Cinema simply because it was so hot and humid.

We went back to the hotel area by bus and got more dumplings to eat. I was glad that they loved the beef roll in a pancake with spring onions and cucumber which I recommended. After we were stuffed, Mr Doron Paz went back to the hotel straight ahead. Then I accompanied Mr Yoav Paz to check out the camera street, but, disappointingly, the price wasn't lower than it is in Israel. But along the way, I got so many valuable informations from Mr Paz about great cameras that also can be used to film.

Later that evening, we went another must-see in town, Shihlin Night Market. But before that, I caught a screening of Mr Korki's film "Kick Off" at 19.20 which is also in the competition which I liked very very much. I introduced them some popular local snacks, especially oyster pancake, but they were too impressed with it, and also because it wasn't really as good as it was. They liked the sticky rice sausage with a regular sausage inside though. We took a walk along the shopping street, and they got some presents for their fiancee and girlfriend. The trip ended right passed midnight.

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