Tuesday, July 06, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 7

Day 7 30/Jun/10 Wed

I met up with both Mr Paz early at 9.40am for the checking of the projection of the screening in that very afternoon at 1.30pm. They were impressed by the preserved old style theater which is hard to get in the world nowadays, and they also felt honored that their film can be presented in it. After a short examination, I took them to a close spot to the theater, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, they were again impressed by the size and the structures of the whole lot. The weather still remained very hot and humid, so they've thought about getting back to the hotel and change before the screening. We stayed to see the film cos they want to know the reaction since it's the first time the film is shown in Asia. Though it was a daytime on a working day, the response of the audience was quite good. They soon realized that they have become popular even before they arrived here.

After the film, I, of course, took them to Ding Tai Fong for the experience they gotta have in Taipei. They loved dumplings so much that they required every meal to be dumplings while they were in town. But I am sure that they were especially impressed by the food in Ding. The funny thing was, they went to a mini hot pot store which is very common here by themselves the previous evening. As they were asking me about the food of which the took pictures, after I explained a few food, e.g. the pig's blood cube, they were so surprised that they couldn't tell what they were at all. We took a walk along the road which is full of shops and department stores, but we still had to hide in Eslite bookstore which has friendly a/c.

Because they were up for some bar scenes, I met them up later to the famous bar restaurant which turns into a club after late evening "Carnegie's," also because it's ladies' night every Wednesday. But odd enough, it was the most empty Wednesday night I've ever been to, though I've only been to the ladies' nights no more than five times. But they seemed to enjoy it after all, we even met up with Gretta, the producer Mr Ezra and the actor Mr AL-Jabouri of another film from Denmark in the competition "R." I believe we had a great time.

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