Tuesday, July 06, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 9

Day 9 2/Jul/10 Fri

We met up early at 9.40am again for the screening of "R" at 10. It was a powerful film about prisoners in Denmark. We all liked it very much. Ms Bergroth was right about it. We stayed in the theater to discuss the film for quite a long time, so it was about time for the award ceremony when we left the building.

I was also nervous for all the filmmakers I've met and wish they could all win. But the result came out, neither Mr Paz(s) nor Ms Bergroth won, I felt very disappointed, but maybe still not as much as they did. But I was so so happy for Mr Korki who won the first prize.

Later that evening, there was an Australian party held for an Australian film screening, despite of being disappointed and tired, Mr Paz(s) still enjoyed themselves with the great food and drinks, but they still went back early-ish to get an early rest.

I stayed at the party and got to chat with my colleagues and Mr Korki who was in a good mood of the winning. Cos we were not really up for the film, we went on to get more drinks at the bar of the hotel where was cool and nice. We had such a great conversation about films. Mr Korki encouraged me so much that I felt really honored. I definitely want to see his first feature as soon as possible and of course as well as his next film. He's such a great guy, and I was glad that I stayed to get the chance of having this precious time.

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