Tuesday, July 06, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 10

Day 10 3/Jul/10 Sat

Before meeting up with my guests, I caught the time to see "Women Without Men." It's a very beautiful film. Then I rushed to the hotel to farewell to Mr Korki who left at 3.30pm. One of the members of the Jury Mr Jose Wilker was leaving as well, so there were more people than I thought. I still got there in time and gave Mr Korki the movies I prepared him.

Because Mr Paz(s) needed time to work, so we only met up before their second QA session. It was a full screening, and the response of the audience was surely more passionate. Just like what I informed them beforehand, there were many people who wanted their autographs and to take pictures with them. It was an incredible experience for them and made them feel like big stars for the first time for sure. I'm sure they had a great time. Afterwards, they had their last dim sum meal at a Cantonese restaurant. Because of the pre-arrangement with their friend also from Israel in town, we said an early goodnight to each other.

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