Sunday, August 14, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 33 London Thu 11 August 2011

Because we were meeting up with Adrian again in the evening, we thought that we might as well go into town to find something to do before hand. We were thinking about going to a musical, but we didn't find any musical we want to see which had a matinee show. We actually got the tickets for next Tuesday's "We Will Rock You" instead.

We went for the portrait gallery. It was more interesting than I thought it would be. Lots of interesting (and famous) portraits. It was already 4pm when we left the gallery. We went to the Chinese buffet we'd wondered about since last year, Mr. Wu. It turned out to be a great deal for £4.95, and it also got us prepared for the drinking.

I noticed that there was this Harold Pinter's play "Betrayal" showing starring Kristin Scott Thomas. Because it'll be finished before I get back from Holland, so I decided to go for it instead of drinking all evening. We met up with Adrian in Rupert Street first. Then we moved on to G-A-Y bar. I left for the play ten to 7 (it started at 7.30).

The play was brilliant with an interesting story and solid acting. It was really like a dream come true to me to see Kristin Scott Thomas playing on stage. She was simply as great as always. The play finished five pass 9, almost an hour earlier than we thought it would be. So I went back to Soho and try to find them in one of the bars and finally did it at Duke of Wellington. Jason, who just got off work, joined them as well.

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