Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 25 Brighton Wed 03 August 2011

Thanks for calling it the night early, we got up early-ish for our free breakfast and stating our day early. We walked beside the railway, to be said one of the oldest in UK, to the marina at the very west end of the seafront. Because Steve was affected by the sun a bit to much, so we went to McDonald's to get a nice iced cup of Cola. It was the first time ever I set my foot into a British big M, and I got a happy meal later on simply because I wanted to get a Papa Smurf that came with it.

We walked back, got some really nice shellfish snacks, mine was fresh oysters, Steve's was a nice mixed cup, and we continued to walk to the central where the antic shops were at, but it was a waste since we are both not so interested in antics. That was a window shopping indeed. On the way back the the hotel, we stopped by a really nice little French cafe called 'Cocoa,' I got my routine expresso, and Steve got a traditional French snack.

After getting prepared back at the hotel, we went out for dinner. We were going for the little shop at the seafront with fish soup, but it was too late when we got there. It was quite a mission to look for a place for meals after 7pm in Brighton really. We finally got to the street by the Royal Pavilion where we passed by the previous day and rushed into a Spanish restaurant for the special 2 for 1 fajitas offer.

Because Steve was suffering from the sun stroke from the daytime, so we went back to the hotel soon after the dinner. Steve went to sleep early, and I decided to go out for a couple of drinks since I wasn't sleepy. I went to an old local bar just behind our hotel called 'Bulldog'. I met a cool couple, the Scottish Steven and Hagrid (apparently a made-up name) from somewhere in UK, in it, they gave me a solid Zambuca shot as my start of the rounds. Then we got another round and myself a rum coke.

Because they were closing early on Wednesdays (2am), as we went to the nearest club called 'Legend'. There weren't many people but we were at least drunk enough to enjoy ourselves. Maybe because that I looked too tired, they 'escort' me back to the hotel which was actually still easy enough for me the find the way back. They were simply very nice gents. It was nice to get to know the local residents (though they aren't actually from there).

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