Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 27 Brighton and London Fri 05 August 2011

The sunny weather came back for our last few hours in Brighton. We had a rich breakfast and hoped that it would keep us going until when we get back to London. We checked out right on 12pm sharp and indulge ourselves in the beautiful sunshine again.

We went to the Brighton Museum which was closed when we got there at 5pm on the first day. It was a small but interesting one. Relaxing atmosphere. Then we walked back to the seafront, tried the lovely cider from a Swedish bar and enjoying the breeze and sunshine.

We finally got ourselves the fish soup and crab sandwiches from the small shop that wasn't opened twice we made the efforts to go to and more of those delicious oysters. On the way back to collect our bags at the hotel, we strolled on the pier one last time and took a couple of pictures of those cute dolphin bins.

We left for the station at 5 just as scheduled, got there before 5.30 and decided to catch an earlier train that was much more direct. It was a smooth journey back to London even it was still at rush hours. We met up with Adrien at Embankment as arranged and surprisingly also Jason who Steve'd never met on a Friday evening.

We started out in 'Halfway in Heaven', a new bar to both of us. Then we walked to our usual venue Rupert Street, but because I insisted that I needed to eat before drinking, so we went to Wagamama first instead. We got back to Rupert after the dinner then moved on to another usual venue Comptons. On our way back to Embankment, we made a stop at the Kubar in Chinatown. It was a fun but reasonable reunion night out.

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