Monday, August 08, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 24 Brighton Tue 02 August 2011

Steve and I had to get up at 9am so that we would have enough time to catch the train that left at Victoria Station at 11 for Brighton. Yes, it was the day to visit the famous seaside town finally.

The weather was just as nice as forecasted as we arrived there. We walked only less than 30min from the station to our three-star hotel, 'The Amsterdam,' which is right opposite to the seafront. It was a great choice and thanks to Adrian's recommendation.

While waiting for our checking-in time to be up, we had a very nice fish-n-chips lunch. After a short break after checking in, we set off for our exploration in town. We didn't start off to the seafront first. Instead, we went to the Royal Pavilion first which was built for George IV as a summer resort. Then a stroll along to seafront was essential, especially under such a lovely sunny sky.

Because we had a long walk, I was too thirsty to have my pint and got drunk right away after the quest for a bar. After a break to get me sober back at the hotel, we went out again for dinner fairly late at 7.30pm. We were aiming for a place called 'Fishy Fishy' but ended up sitting at 'English's Brighton,' another recommended one since the price at the previous one sort of put us off.

I was craving for something watery and hot, so I got the splendid fish soup and lobster chunks with gnocchi as a two-course meal while Steve got a single but unexpectedly rich mussel main course. That was a memorable meal for sure. I, of course, got a white wine to go with my meal, but I got affected by the alcohol again unfortunately.

We popped into 'Charles St. Envy,' a local bar/club just two building away from our hotel. But I was too much affected by the previous drinks and couldn't help dozing off, so we went back to the hotel even it hadn't reached 11 yet.

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