Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 26 Brighton Thu 04 August 2011

We weren't completely treated nicely in Brighton unfortunately. The weather turned its back on us with the nonstop raining from the early morning through out to the early afternoon. We stayed in after the breakfast and waited for the rain to stop. We went out around 1.30pm when it wasn't raining as hard but still cloudily cold.

We set off on our second mission for the small store for fish soup but were let down once again. We walked to the central and got in to the pub that is next to the local shopping mall. Even it was already 3, we still had to wait for our meals for almost 20min since it was still busy.

It was a perfect day for shopping, so we went into a sportswear store and got two t-shirts. I wanted to go back to the DVD outlets I saw when passing by, and I got used "Victor Victoria" and "Live Flesh" for £2 each. They were bargains for sure. There was this shop supervised by Jamie Oliver apparently. We had expressos in it. That was pretty nice, and it was even nicer by the time we walked out of it, well, simply because it was sunny again.

I stayed with my plan and went to the local Odeon cinema to see "Bridesmaids" which was the funniest film I seen this year so far while Steve decided to take the advantage of the come back of the nice weather. I got back to the hotel at 8.30pm as promised, and we knew that we had to settle with the nearby stores for dinner. We went in an Indian one with buffet for £4.95. It was not bad at all.

After we got ourselves all stuffed, we went for the quest for the bars/clubs finally since it was our last evening in town. We went to r bar first but found that it was the best evening for us to be, so we soon finished our drinks and went to Charles St. again which is just next-door. It was slightly better but not much really. So I proposed to show Steve Bulldog before midnight while the happy hours was still going on. Steve wasn't impressed by it but mostly because the people there were a bit older than average.

We moved on to Legend and found it quite quiet, so we went back to Charles St. and stayed by the dance floor on the second floor for the rest of the evening. It was not busy as it should be, but it was nice enough for us to relax.

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