Sunday, August 14, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 34 Hever Castle Fri 12 August 2011

Another day out with Kevin, Tracy and the kids. We went to Hever Castle, the childhood home of Anne Boleyn. It was really nice to go to one of the castle in the countryside. Luckily I got a ride there, or it would be impossible to go there without a car.

We arrived there before noon. It was beautiful, and the weather was really nice. Sunny but cool. We went straight for the castle at first, it felt special to be in a place where famous historical figures had lived in. After the castle, it was about time for the jousting tournament. But I dozed off because of the drinks I had during picnic, and I wasn't so interested in dueling things. The boys seemed to enjoy it a lot though.

We then went to another attraction, the water maze. It was actually for kids, so we only got ice creams and sit aside while watching them play. Alex and Matthew cached the Archery just in time afterwards. I think we all had a satisfying day out.

Euro Journal: Day 33 London Thu 11 August 2011

Because we were meeting up with Adrian again in the evening, we thought that we might as well go into town to find something to do before hand. We were thinking about going to a musical, but we didn't find any musical we want to see which had a matinee show. We actually got the tickets for next Tuesday's "We Will Rock You" instead.

We went for the portrait gallery. It was more interesting than I thought it would be. Lots of interesting (and famous) portraits. It was already 4pm when we left the gallery. We went to the Chinese buffet we'd wondered about since last year, Mr. Wu. It turned out to be a great deal for £4.95, and it also got us prepared for the drinking.

I noticed that there was this Harold Pinter's play "Betrayal" showing starring Kristin Scott Thomas. Because it'll be finished before I get back from Holland, so I decided to go for it instead of drinking all evening. We met up with Adrian in Rupert Street first. Then we moved on to G-A-Y bar. I left for the play ten to 7 (it started at 7.30).

The play was brilliant with an interesting story and solid acting. It was really like a dream come true to me to see Kristin Scott Thomas playing on stage. She was simply as great as always. The play finished five pass 9, almost an hour earlier than we thought it would be. So I went back to Soho and try to find them in one of the bars and finally did it at Duke of Wellington. Jason, who just got off work, joined them as well.

Euro Journal: Day 32 London (Hornchurch, Essex) Wed 10 August 2011

Another relaxing day lazying around in the house. I got the DVDs/Blu-Ray I ordered from Amazon, so we watched "The Trip" right away. It was really funny and interesting. Probably Michael Winterbottom's best ever since his Golden Bear winner "In a Better World". We watched 4 1/2 episodes.

We had chilly con carne for dinner. It was really good. Then I suggested to watch "Victor Victoria" which I got from Brighton. It was really entertaining even it's already almost 30 years old. Another great collaboration from the talented couple Julie Andrews and Blake Edwards.

Euro Journal: Day 31 Thrope Park Tue 09 August 2011

Because Kevin was on his holidays, we all went to this theme park called 'Thrope Park' together. The funny thing is that we just watched the ad on TV the day before.

Due to the mild traffic, we got there a bit late at half pass 12. The website suggested a lot of exciting facilities, including their latest feature, Saw the Ride. We decided to do the water facilities first so that we could get wet and change our clothes.

We got on the mildly exciting boat ride down on a slide. It was alright. Then we went on the featured water facility, Tidal Wave. That really got us all drenched but fun nonetheless. After 2 more water ones and got wet over and over again. We changed our clothes and started to go for the 'dry' ones.

The first was, expectedly, Saw the Ride. It was pretty exciting, especially the unexpected drop and turns in the dark. Fun. Alex was a little bit terrified by it after getting on it. So there were only Steve, Kevin and I who went on another thrilling one, Stealth, it was a very short ride but it went really fast and really high.

Before leaving at 7pm, Steve and I got on another two roller coaster rides back to back. The first one was fun but with a little too many turns. The second one was said the fastest indoor coaster that goes backwards. I felt pretty sick after the second one. Backward and back-to-back are never good ideas and combination.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 30 London (Hornchurch and Romford, Essex) Mon 08 August 2011

It was Father's Day only in Taiwan. I called my dad and my granddad, grandma and aunt at 12pm local time. It was 7pm in Taiwan. We were still chilling in, doing stuffs on the internet. I order another few DVDs and a blu-ray online, "Taxi Zum Klo" and "The Trip" on DVD and "High Hope" on blu-ray. I also got the Spanish limited SteeBook edition DVD of "Brokeback Mountain" which I came across accidentally from a Spanish site which I hope will work. Another one was "Shaolin Soccer" on blu-ray from ASDA's special offer.

I was also trying to bid the UK limited SteelBook edition blu-ray/DVD combo of "Scott Pilgrim" but failed disappointingly. I could've keep my order of the HMV exclusive edition of "Scott" with artcards and "Withnail and I" blu-ray on sale. Well well.

Derek and Linda decided to go to Sainsbury's get stuffs for dinner. I immediately asked to join them since I haven't set my foot out of the house for two whole days. Steve came along as well. So it turned out to be more like our shopping apparently.

We got T-shirts, shorts and shoes from Primark, pants and a flat cap from H&M. We had the lovely baked lamb which Derek got at our visit in Costco on the previous Sunday.

I proposed to watch my "Lust/Caution" on blu-ray, so we all watched it together. It was of course very satisfying to me, and the folks seemed to like it as well despite of its long length to my relief.

Euro Journal: Day 29 London (Hornchurch, Essex) Sun 07 August 2011

It was another and the first great family bbq day since we've been back. Lisa and Richard and the girls arrived earlier in the afternoon, and Tracy and Kevin and the boys arrived shortly afterward. The weather didn't do us a favor and rained on and off. Thankfully enough that we got our meal started in the yard around 2pm.

As usual, I had too much and the food seemed endless. The kids still had their plays and acts. Us adults were simply relaxing and chatting away. It finished around 10pm. That was an imperfect but memorable Sunday gathering.

Euro Journal: Day 28 London (Hornchurch, Essex) Sat 06 August 2011

We decided to have an unusually relaxing day in on a Saturday. We were basically taking it easy through out the whole day. I watched the German SteelBook limited edition blu-ray of "The Hulk" which I got when we got in the previous night, and it was another good one with clear and sharp image and great sound. The SteelBook design was beautiful.

Derek and Linda came back from Lowestoft around 6pm. We got Pizza Hut for dinner according to Steve's request.

Euro Journal: Day 27 Brighton and London Fri 05 August 2011

The sunny weather came back for our last few hours in Brighton. We had a rich breakfast and hoped that it would keep us going until when we get back to London. We checked out right on 12pm sharp and indulge ourselves in the beautiful sunshine again.

We went to the Brighton Museum which was closed when we got there at 5pm on the first day. It was a small but interesting one. Relaxing atmosphere. Then we walked back to the seafront, tried the lovely cider from a Swedish bar and enjoying the breeze and sunshine.

We finally got ourselves the fish soup and crab sandwiches from the small shop that wasn't opened twice we made the efforts to go to and more of those delicious oysters. On the way back to collect our bags at the hotel, we strolled on the pier one last time and took a couple of pictures of those cute dolphin bins.

We left for the station at 5 just as scheduled, got there before 5.30 and decided to catch an earlier train that was much more direct. It was a smooth journey back to London even it was still at rush hours. We met up with Adrien at Embankment as arranged and surprisingly also Jason who Steve'd never met on a Friday evening.

We started out in 'Halfway in Heaven', a new bar to both of us. Then we walked to our usual venue Rupert Street, but because I insisted that I needed to eat before drinking, so we went to Wagamama first instead. We got back to Rupert after the dinner then moved on to another usual venue Comptons. On our way back to Embankment, we made a stop at the Kubar in Chinatown. It was a fun but reasonable reunion night out.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Euro Journal: Day 26 Brighton Thu 04 August 2011

We weren't completely treated nicely in Brighton unfortunately. The weather turned its back on us with the nonstop raining from the early morning through out to the early afternoon. We stayed in after the breakfast and waited for the rain to stop. We went out around 1.30pm when it wasn't raining as hard but still cloudily cold.

We set off on our second mission for the small store for fish soup but were let down once again. We walked to the central and got in to the pub that is next to the local shopping mall. Even it was already 3, we still had to wait for our meals for almost 20min since it was still busy.

It was a perfect day for shopping, so we went into a sportswear store and got two t-shirts. I wanted to go back to the DVD outlets I saw when passing by, and I got used "Victor Victoria" and "Live Flesh" for £2 each. They were bargains for sure. There was this shop supervised by Jamie Oliver apparently. We had expressos in it. That was pretty nice, and it was even nicer by the time we walked out of it, well, simply because it was sunny again.

I stayed with my plan and went to the local Odeon cinema to see "Bridesmaids" which was the funniest film I seen this year so far while Steve decided to take the advantage of the come back of the nice weather. I got back to the hotel at 8.30pm as promised, and we knew that we had to settle with the nearby stores for dinner. We went in an Indian one with buffet for £4.95. It was not bad at all.

After we got ourselves all stuffed, we went for the quest for the bars/clubs finally since it was our last evening in town. We went to r bar first but found that it was the best evening for us to be, so we soon finished our drinks and went to Charles St. again which is just next-door. It was slightly better but not much really. So I proposed to show Steve Bulldog before midnight while the happy hours was still going on. Steve wasn't impressed by it but mostly because the people there were a bit older than average.

We moved on to Legend and found it quite quiet, so we went back to Charles St. and stayed by the dance floor on the second floor for the rest of the evening. It was not busy as it should be, but it was nice enough for us to relax.

Euro Journal: Day 25 Brighton Wed 03 August 2011

Thanks for calling it the night early, we got up early-ish for our free breakfast and stating our day early. We walked beside the railway, to be said one of the oldest in UK, to the marina at the very west end of the seafront. Because Steve was affected by the sun a bit to much, so we went to McDonald's to get a nice iced cup of Cola. It was the first time ever I set my foot into a British big M, and I got a happy meal later on simply because I wanted to get a Papa Smurf that came with it.

We walked back, got some really nice shellfish snacks, mine was fresh oysters, Steve's was a nice mixed cup, and we continued to walk to the central where the antic shops were at, but it was a waste since we are both not so interested in antics. That was a window shopping indeed. On the way back the the hotel, we stopped by a really nice little French cafe called 'Cocoa,' I got my routine expresso, and Steve got a traditional French snack.

After getting prepared back at the hotel, we went out for dinner. We were going for the little shop at the seafront with fish soup, but it was too late when we got there. It was quite a mission to look for a place for meals after 7pm in Brighton really. We finally got to the street by the Royal Pavilion where we passed by the previous day and rushed into a Spanish restaurant for the special 2 for 1 fajitas offer.

Because Steve was suffering from the sun stroke from the daytime, so we went back to the hotel soon after the dinner. Steve went to sleep early, and I decided to go out for a couple of drinks since I wasn't sleepy. I went to an old local bar just behind our hotel called 'Bulldog'. I met a cool couple, the Scottish Steven and Hagrid (apparently a made-up name) from somewhere in UK, in it, they gave me a solid Zambuca shot as my start of the rounds. Then we got another round and myself a rum coke.

Because they were closing early on Wednesdays (2am), as we went to the nearest club called 'Legend'. There weren't many people but we were at least drunk enough to enjoy ourselves. Maybe because that I looked too tired, they 'escort' me back to the hotel which was actually still easy enough for me the find the way back. They were simply very nice gents. It was nice to get to know the local residents (though they aren't actually from there).