Saturday, August 07, 2010

UK Journal: Day 5 05/Aug/10 Thu

Because we spent quite a fortune in town, we simply stayed in and lazing around. But we did take a trip to another town in Essex to get the rental fancy dresses for the upcoming party at Steve's old neighbor's. It was such a hassle to pick the right one, more than I could've ever imagined. After going thorough Indiana Jones, Zorro, Dr. Evil(yes, it's the Dr. Evil), I finally decided to pick Sherlock Holmes(in the old style). It was a decent choice, but Steve's Robin Hood outfit suits him so much better. Each dress costs 25, quite a bit! Anyway, it's sorted out once for all.

We didn't really make ourselves couch potatoes but took a walk in Harrow Park just right next to Steve's house. It was a large lot with a playground and tennis courts(and a new basketball court according to Steve). We saw a good flock of swans and geese, they're very lovely. But unfortunately the squirrels seemed were still taking naps.

Mrs. Sloan got very nice fish and chips back for dinner. The fish(cod) is so much better than the ones I got in Taipei(dah!). Afterwards, we just sat down and watched comedic shows.


Anonymous said...

[url= ]Смешные пародии [/url]
вопрос в теме. хочу чтоб благоверный сбросил лишний вес, убрал живот, ну пускай не до кубиков, хотя б чотб ожирения не было. как его к этому подвести? говорила многократно прямым текстом, обиды и далее диалогов что нужно не пошло.

Anonymous said...

Это отличная идея