Wednesday, August 04, 2010

UK Journal: Day 3 03/Aug/10 Tue

We got up around the same time as yesterday. After the breakfast, we went out for Steve's passport renewing right away. Because Mrs. Sloan got the second half of the day off, we decided to take a trip to Cambridge, which is definitely one of my must-gos and also where they hadn't been for 5 years. It was mostly very warm in the afternoon. A lovely day to walk outside. Firstly, we went into King's College," a mini cathedral with beautiful painted glasses and informative historical royal profiles. We had a late lunch in an italian Restaurant called "Don Pasquale," we got a very nice carbonara pasta and an also nice spicy cheese pizza. We walked to the riverside where tourists do punting, but taking all opinions in consideration, we didn't try to get on one but only watch people enjoying there time on the boat.

Due to some traffic jam, we got back around 6.30pm. After dinner, Steve was curious about the Wii his parents have. So we played it for 2 hours. There were table tennis, bowling, basketball and frisbee etc. It was no doubt a great evening.

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