Tuesday, August 03, 2010

UK Journal: Day 1 01/08/10 Sun

After 15 hours of flying and transferring, Steve and I finally arrived at his homeland. Besides that I made us get into a tense situation of catching the flight when they announced the last call by hesitating on choosing camcorder and got in the wrong line at the UK custom which made me wait for 40min, everything went very well. The custom officer surprisingly only asked me a rather simple question: What's your purpose of coming? I answered: Uh… sightseeing. And he stamped on my passport right away. That was fantastic! Our luggages were the last two waiting to be acclaimed on the rotating track naturally, and Steve's parents had been waiting at the arrival exit when we finally got in the country. I felt embarrassed about keeping them waiting so long. Thankfully they are so carefree which I've heard of for a long time.

After nearly an hour of driving, we stopped at a restaurant called "Liberty Bell" for dinner. It was a very nice place. I had an order of Mussels with chips on the side. Stella Artois was the side drink. It was already 10pm when we got to Steve's parents' house. We, of course, felt exhausted. Especially me who had too much to drink(plus a glass of red wine), so we called it the night at 11.30pm(I know, it wasn't that early).

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