Sunday, June 27, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 3

Day 3 26/Jun/10 Sat

After grabbing some food at a Cantonese restaurant, Ms Bergroth and I went to the second theater venue, Shin Kong Cineplex, for Ms Bergroth for briefly saying hi to the audience before the first screening of "Last Cowboy Standing" in the film festival at 1.00pm. Then, we had some coffee at the Starbucks downstairs of the theater, walked to the temp. office in the main theater building to get Ms Bergroth's airfare and sat at a cafe near by to wait for the Q/A session. It went well all in all, but there were still a couple of obsessive people in the audience who made it feel intense at one point. The photo shoot and the autograph for the audience came right after, the audience responded very passionately. I believe ms Bergroth was very pleased to get so many good responds, there was even a review mentioned about it by a famous local critic on the newspaper.

Ms Bergroth went back to the hotel to work and rest a bit. I stayed at the office until around 7.15pm and head to the hotel to meet up with Ms Bergroth. We planned to see a Brazillian music documentary "Beyond Ipanema." It was interesting but not so impressive. I took Ms Bergroth and Ms Kirwan, who also went to the screening, to Bistro O, a bar in the alley of Shida rd., to get a few drinks and continue our chatting. Steve joined us later on. It was a good timing to go because Mojito was finally available. We all had a relaxing time there and stayed until 3am! Thankfully they enjoyed it.

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