Sunday, June 27, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 2

Day 2 25/Jun/10 Fri

I met up with Ms Bergroth at 11.00 to get more time for lunch before the grooming appointment at 12.30. At first, I was thinking of taking her to an all-day breakfast serving place near the Beauty Salon, but it happened to be being redecorated. So I just chose another one close by. We had so-so pastas, but the price was not so bad. We arrived before another guest Ms Amy Kirwan, the actress who's here with another film in the competition "Eamon," but it actually took longer time for Ms Bergroth to get her grooming done, but she looked very good so the waiting was very worthy. That's also why we couldn't make it to the greeting before the first opening film which was good as well because it was raining.

At 3.45, Ms Bergroth got changed a more formal outfit for the opening ceremony. During the waiting for the interview, both Ms Bergroth and Ms Kirwan got their looks enhanced,. Finally, it's time to crash into the reception hall and get some food before the second opening film. Ms Bergroth didn't bring her card to exchange with the guests who came to greet with her, so we got a quick taxi back to get them. Thankfully it was worthy the effort, I saw Mr Gon Lee, Director Ang Lee's brother and a film distributor and I know he just distributed the most successful Finnish film last year "Letters to Father Jacob," so I suggested Ms Bergroth to say hello to him. I think it went well, Mr Lee and his wife were both very nice. It can be a chance for Ms Bergroth's film to be distributed here.

We went into the theater to wait for the film "The Forth Portrait," a Taiwanese film also in the competition, starts at 7. It was better than my expectations, and I believe Ms Bergroth and Ms Kirwan both liked it. Afterwards, both guests, Ms Kirwan's host Li-Yue and I spent the rest of the evening having beer and conversations about films. It was absolutely a great time.

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