Sunday, June 27, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 3

Day 3 26/Jun/10 Sat

After grabbing some food at a Cantonese restaurant, Ms Bergroth and I went to the second theater venue, Shin Kong Cineplex, for Ms Bergroth for briefly saying hi to the audience before the first screening of "Last Cowboy Standing" in the film festival at 1.00pm. Then, we had some coffee at the Starbucks downstairs of the theater, walked to the temp. office in the main theater building to get Ms Bergroth's airfare and sat at a cafe near by to wait for the Q/A session. It went well all in all, but there were still a couple of obsessive people in the audience who made it feel intense at one point. The photo shoot and the autograph for the audience came right after, the audience responded very passionately. I believe ms Bergroth was very pleased to get so many good responds, there was even a review mentioned about it by a famous local critic on the newspaper.

Ms Bergroth went back to the hotel to work and rest a bit. I stayed at the office until around 7.15pm and head to the hotel to meet up with Ms Bergroth. We planned to see a Brazillian music documentary "Beyond Ipanema." It was interesting but not so impressive. I took Ms Bergroth and Ms Kirwan, who also went to the screening, to Bistro O, a bar in the alley of Shida rd., to get a few drinks and continue our chatting. Steve joined us later on. It was a good timing to go because Mojito was finally available. We all had a relaxing time there and stayed until 3am! Thankfully they enjoyed it.

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 2

Day 2 25/Jun/10 Fri

I met up with Ms Bergroth at 11.00 to get more time for lunch before the grooming appointment at 12.30. At first, I was thinking of taking her to an all-day breakfast serving place near the Beauty Salon, but it happened to be being redecorated. So I just chose another one close by. We had so-so pastas, but the price was not so bad. We arrived before another guest Ms Amy Kirwan, the actress who's here with another film in the competition "Eamon," but it actually took longer time for Ms Bergroth to get her grooming done, but she looked very good so the waiting was very worthy. That's also why we couldn't make it to the greeting before the first opening film which was good as well because it was raining.

At 3.45, Ms Bergroth got changed a more formal outfit for the opening ceremony. During the waiting for the interview, both Ms Bergroth and Ms Kirwan got their looks enhanced,. Finally, it's time to crash into the reception hall and get some food before the second opening film. Ms Bergroth didn't bring her card to exchange with the guests who came to greet with her, so we got a quick taxi back to get them. Thankfully it was worthy the effort, I saw Mr Gon Lee, Director Ang Lee's brother and a film distributor and I know he just distributed the most successful Finnish film last year "Letters to Father Jacob," so I suggested Ms Bergroth to say hello to him. I think it went well, Mr Lee and his wife were both very nice. It can be a chance for Ms Bergroth's film to be distributed here.

We went into the theater to wait for the film "The Forth Portrait," a Taiwanese film also in the competition, starts at 7. It was better than my expectations, and I believe Ms Bergroth and Ms Kirwan both liked it. Afterwards, both guests, Ms Kirwan's host Li-Yue and I spent the rest of the evening having beer and conversations about films. It was absolutely a great time.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

2010 Taipei Film Festival Journal: Day 1

Day 1 24/Jun/10 Thu

I was both thrilled and nervous back in the position after 2 years. I am also thrilled to have a full schedule this time. As it started off today, I set off for the airport around 2pm cos I didn't want to be in a rush and of course in case if the flight arrives earlier. Luckily, there was a bus to the airport about to leave when I get to the station around 3.30, and I arrived at the airport at one hour later. It showed the flight will arrive on time, so I took my time waiting there, but it didn't feel long at all.

I started to stand right in front of the exit gate, Ms Zaida Bergroth, my first guest and whose name I was more than embarrassed to fail to pronounce correctly, came out of the gate around 6.10. We got in the limo, I found myself still speaking unnaturally, but at least for once I didn't sit with the guest in the back and made myself also a guest. I showed off a little bit of my research online, but I'm glad that I have some sense in films and kept the conversation from falling into entire boringness.

We arrived at the hotel around 7.10 I think, Matilda, planner Ms Yu were there to welcome the guests. To my surprise, there were more than 3 guests who have arrived. Good to see my old colleague Ivy as well. After discussing, Ms Bergroth and I agreed to meet at 1pm the next day. After we saw the guest off in the elevator, I went to the office with the crew. It was a lucky decision cos firstly, I didn't think of getting my ID, secondly, the schedule was uncertain. We finally made the conclusion which is to meet up at 11am, get lunch and go to the beauty salon for Ms Bergroth to get the grooming for the opening ceremony in the evening. Not a bad fist day of my comeback after all, at least it wasn't raining.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

My Filmmaker-Hosting Experiences

Gratefully I've got another chance to host the filmmakers at a local film festival here in Taipei City. I've had three prior experiences, two are for the bigger one called Golden Horse which is always held near the end of the year, one is for the same one which I'm about to start with again. I could't help wondering what the filmmakers I've hosted or met have done or are doing afterwards which I've wondered ever since after the great time we've spent together. I felt extremely privileged to have the chance of knowing them, so I briefly surfed on the internet for their updates, and these are what I found so far:

2007 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival

Arthur Dong

Mr Arthur Dong, who made the incredible documentary about the history of the Chinese filmmakers in the USA since the very first one to the presently famous Ang Lee back in 2007, is a very devoted documentary filmmaker, so his next film might have to be waited for another decade, but I do sincerely hope that we won't have to wait this long. Though it's definitely not everywhere, if you're interested, I believe it's still available on DVD on Mr Dong's site,, so are his earlier award-winning films. Also an extra tip, "Hollywood Chinese" is voted 8.3/10 on IMDb, very impressive rating. I had the best first experience from hosting him twice in a row. He came again for the award ceremony in which he won the Best Documentary award as we all expected two weeks later after his arrival for the opening ceremony. Both him and his partner Young were very kind and generous to me, and even their 3-year-old son Reed was fond of me which I still have no clue why he was. We still mail each other Christmas cards.

David Mackenzie

I was also lucky enough to have a brief chatting with the famous Scottish filmmaker Mr Mackenzie, who was here with his another award-winning film "Hallem Foe." Afterwards, he made a hollywood film "Spread" starring Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche which is well-known for its explicit sex scenes. I wasn't surprised about it since his films always more or less contain the expressions of human desires. In his upcoming feature "The Last Word," besides re-teaming up his "Young Adam" cast Ewan McGregor, there're also other big names like Eva Green, Connie Nielsen and Stephen Dillane. The cast itself is appealing enough.

Tony Ayres

Mr Ayres' film "The Home Song Stories" was a major contender in the Golden Horse Awards that year, nominated for 7 awards in total, including Best Picture. It ended up won his actress, the outstanding Joan Chen, another Best Leading Actress trophy and also himself an original screenplay award. Mr Ayers and my guest Mr Dong have known each other ever since back in the old days, so I was lucky to know this Australian-Chinese filmmaker whose films, I later realized, that I've seen in the film festival a few years back. We even partied together to celebrate both of their winnings. Mr Aryes made a TV-movie "Saved" in 2009.

2008 Taipei International Film Festival

Bryan Chang Wai-Hung

Mr Chang was(I'm not sure if he still is) the chairman of Hong Kong Film Academy. As also a director, he is very well-known as an independent filmmaker in HK, but he's not so well-known outside of HK because of the same reason. He was here with his film "First Born Unicorn." It's a very experimental film, the ideas are interesting but could've been better-executed. But Mr Chang isn't like the eccentric underground filmmakers we've always imagined them to be at all. He's just simply easy going and would walk a long way under a very humid weather just to see the city more. I even had the privilege to meet some very extinguished film critics and workers because of him. It was surely a great time to listen to their ideas.

Laurent Lavolé

It was absolutely a pleasant coincidence for me to get to host Mr Lavolé, an independent French film producer. He has worked with big names like Catherine Deneuve and Élodie Bouchez who he praised a lot, but most notably, he constantly praised the Taiwanese actress Shu Qi as 'stunning!' He was here for a Brazilian film "Mutum" which is focus on one of his favorite subject matters of children. Because it was selected in the new talent competition, and the director Sandra Kogut couldn't make it here due to some visa issue, so he came to represent the film instead. He was such a nice guy and kindly introduced me to his dear filmmaker friends, the Chinese producer Zhang Xianmin who also acts from time to time(he played one of the major parts in Lou Ye's "Summer Palace") and the Taiwanese writer/director Su Chao-Bin. He even called his assistant to send me a copy of "Après Lui," a French film which he produced, right after I said I've never seen it. He went on to produce another children-oriented film "A Brand New Life" by the French-Korean director Ounie Lecomte and a French crime drama "The Queen of Clubs" by the French new talent Jérôme Bonnell.

Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette

I didn't host Ms BL who is from Montréal, Canada officially, but since she's in the new talents competition as well, we saw each other often enough. She was with her film "The Fight."(The original French title "Le Ring" means "The Ring" as for the boxing match stage literally in English, but she thinks people would be confused with her film, the Japanese horror-cult and its Hollywood remake) There was one day, her host wasn't available, so she went to Longshang Temple, one of the tourists' attractions in town, with Mr Lavolé and me. During the tour in it, I showed her how the Chinese praying is answered by asking if her film will win or not, and the answer was a straight yes. A few days later, she did win in the competition. Was it me who bring her the luck? Or is it destined as answered? I only know that I was very happy for her. She released a documentary "Les Petits Géants" in 2009. It focuses on 5 of the kids who were the major acts in an interesting showcase of an Verdi-opera adaptation.

Yves Christian Fournier

Mr Fournier was another director in competition from Montréal. I was lucky to be able to see his film "Everything Is Fine" after their departures and was very fascinated by it. It was nominated for several major Genie Awards and won the Best First Film Award in the following year. I was happy for him wholeheartedly.

Delphine Kreuter

Ms Kreuter is already a French artist for a long time before she made her first film "57000km Between Us" which won the second prize in the competition. It's just as interesting as she is. She's so fun to be with, so even Mathieu Amalric took a part in the film without barely getting paid(well, I believe so). Ms Kreuter stayed for a whole months to experience more of the city. I met her a couple of times while she was still in town. Hope I can reunite with her in Paris when I visit there this summer.

Martin Duffy

Mr Duffy is from Ireland and based in Berlin. He started off as a film editor and released his directorial debut "The Boy from Mercury," which he also wrote in 1996. He was here as a jury member of the official competition awards but also with this debut film. It's warm and tender just as the person himself. I've luckily had a pleasant conversation with him. His last film "Summer of the Flying Saucer" was just released before his arrival here, and he worked as a film editor again in 2009 for an award-winning documentary "Komeda: A Soundtrack for a Life" which was made by his wife, who's also a filmmaker, Claudia Buthenhoff-Duffy.

Andrzej Jakimowski

Mr Jakimowski was another great guy who was also a 'new talent' in the competition with his second film "Tricks." He was harmlessly described as the hot shot among the contenders since he was already a regular winner in the worldwide film festivals. But he acted nothing like a hot shot at all. He walked in the rain with us, took the subway with us, joined us at the welcoming party and had to put up with our smoking when he only just quitted it. I sincerely hope to see his new film as soon as possible.

2008 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival

Xie Fei

The Golden-Bear-Award winning Chinese director, Mr Xie, was the head of the jury of the NETPAC award for outstanding Asian films in the Golden Horse Film Festival in 2008. He has stopped making films after his last one "Song of Tibet" and became a full-time professor. His winning pieces "Woman Sesame Oil Maker" and "Black Snow" are considered important modern Chinese films. He was also invited to be a guest professor at the Art University of Taipei, so I got to watch his film debut "Xiangnu Xiaoxiao" in his last class which I finally attended. Even beyond my expectations, it was so well-made. Hopefully, Mr Xie will pick up another project sooner than I thought.

Ilkka Järvi-Laturi

Mr JL was here to attend the creation-investment conference for his new project "Kiss, His First" since it has a Chinese-related story. It was my first time as a professional translator, so I was afraid of not being capable of doing it. But it turned out fine(at least I think so), and Mr JL also generously gave me a copy of his early work "City Unplugged."(a.k.a. "Drakness in Tallinn") He has worked with big names like Bill Pullman and Irène Jacob in his last piece "History Is Made at Night."(a.k.a. "Spy Games") I'm happy for him because "Kiss, His First" has been archived on IMDb as in pre-production, so this will be his first film in 12 years if it releases on the date as listed.

There were also a few filmmakers I had a brief conversation with such as the talented Thai director Aditya Assarat who was here with his first film "Wonderful Town" and the Israeli director/professor Noam Kaplan who came to promote the israeli student films. I also made quite a few good friends who I worked with like Gretta, Yaxing, Ivy, Arthur, Matilda, and Tess etc., so these are all even more so valuable to me. The filmmakers I'll be hosting this time are the Paz Brothers from Israel with their film "Phobidilia" and Ms Zaida Bergroth from Finland with her film "Last Cowboy Standing." Both films are in this year's new talent competition. So I am looking forward to have another fun and fulfilled interactions with all the filmmakers I will meet.