Monday, March 06, 2006

great movies i've seen so far this year

Most of them are 2005's movies which was released this year here in Taiwan: Brokeback Mountain, Caché, Capote, Huo Yuan Jia(Fearless, the new Jet Li kung fu movie), Kinsey(finally!), Memoirs of a Geisha, Munich, Pride & Prejudice, Rent, Syriana. I'm gonna see A History of Violence this week, should be great, too. I'll post some thoughts on the films later.

thoughts on this year's Oscar

It's a real pity that Brokeback Mountain didn't win the best picture. I'm thrilled as a home country folk and a huge fan that Ang Lee to be the first to win best directing among all the asian directors in the history, and I was even more thrilled that it was presented by one of my favorite actors Tom Hanks. The winners in acting categories were no surprises at all, though I wish that Heath Ledger, Keira Knightly and Jake Gyllenhaal could win surprisingly. George Clooney's win also makes me excited.